01. Core Values

  • Vision: We will create a plan that incorporates your dreams and goals.
  • Trust: Trust is the basis for all relationships. Our recommendations are made with your best interest as the guideline.
  • Integrity: Doing what you should when you should do it. Our reputation, our most valuable asset, is strengthened by our culture of openness, responsibility and honesty.
  • Caring: We want you to be successful and enjoy your experience.
  • Education: This is a lifelong process that is driven by the desire to understand. We continually seek wisdom in the application of our craft. We strive to identify the important factors that affect you and clarify your understanding of those factors.
  • Systemization: The process of delivering intended actions and results on a consistent and repeatable basis.

02. Core Principles

  • Your true wealth is your time and your freedom
  • Your greatest investment is in your own education
  • A written financial plan that outlines key goals and the means by which those goals will be achieved is a necessity
  • We believe you should invest your time creating your plan before you invest your money
  • We believe that successful investing is the process of rational decisions overcoming emotional urges
  • We believe that there are many different kinds of risk that must be understood and evaluated when making financial decisions
  • Leverage will not make a bad investment good, but it can make a good investment bad
  • Being a contrarian is a lonely yet profitable endeavor

03. Benefit Statement

  • Your time is freed up to focus on your interests and passions
  • You sleep well knowing you are prepared for good and bad conditions
  • You have a sounding board for all of your financial decisions
  • A written plan with a trusted advisor ensures that your wishes are possible even in your incapacity or absence
  • You relieve yourself of the burden of choosing and monitoring investments

Our Services


Financial Planning

Whether it’s owning your own home, funding your children’s education, or creating a stress-free retirement, a financial plan is considered vital in working towards your goals. We use a consultative approach to create a financial plan that aims to meet your objectives.

Investment Planning

Through developing a personalized investment strategy, diversification, and avoiding short-term distractions, we aim to help create and preserve your wealth so you reach your financial goals.

Estate Planning

Having an estate plan is paramount in ensuring your estate is handled according to your wishes. Together with your estate planning attorney, we can assist in drafting documents and reviewing your situation so your estate benefits the people and charities you care about most.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning shouldn’t start at retirement; it should start well before. We take a long-term view of your financial wellbeing to help create a life after work that is as well-planned as your life while working.

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Atlas Wealth Partners |

*This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal

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